5. June 2023

For a clean J.P. Morgan Run 2023!

The J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge will take place again on 14 June 2023 in Frankfurt. A harmless sporting event?! More like a huge PR campaign!

J.P. Morgan has given more money than any other bank to the fossil fuel industry since the Paris Climate Agreement. This makes J.P. Morgan the dirtiest bank in the world!

Since the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015 J.P Morgan has given more money than any other bank to the fossil fuel industry. This makes J.P. Morgan the dirtiest bank in the world!

At the same time in Frankfurt: Every year, tens of thousands gather to run in the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge. A harmless sporting event?! More like a huge PR campaign!

But what the runners usually don’t know: J.P. Morgan is the dirtiest bank in the world. Since 2016, J.P. Morgan has financed more than $400 billion U.S. for companies like Exxon, Shell, and Gazprom, directly into fossil fuels that are hostile to the future (see BankingOnClimateChaos).

The bank is partly responsible for the fact that our world is heading for a warming of more than 2.5 °C.

The bank’s annual corporate run – a thoroughly positive event in the media – suggests that J.P. Morgan is serving a good cause. But every year, the bank’s financing causes irreparable damage to our livelihoods and means suffering for people and nature. In doing so, the bank turns us all into losers.
We demand a clean run, instead of investments in the destruction of our climate and our future!

Therefore, on the occasion of the J.P. Morgan run in Frankfurt 2023, we have started a petitionto put public pressure on the bank.