While banks celebrated the outdated World Savings Day on 29 October, numerous NGOs and activist groups around the world called for a protest for climate justice – including the KoalaKollektiv. Together with the bank activists of urgewald and other supporters, we...
On July 8th 2021, the #ECB released its eagerly-awaited new strategy. #ClimateChange is one of its major features. Time to celebrate? The new strategy is definitely a turning point: After decades of blindness to environmental concerns, the ECB will take the climate...
Pulling the financial plug on the climate crisis. Heatwaves around the world and the climate flood in Germany show that we must act now. In particular, the most important rule maker of the European financial system, the European Central Bank, must take urgent action....
In front of the European Central Bank today, we called attention to the financing of climate polluters, like Shell and Total, through the ECB’s bond purchases. “Representatives” of these fossil fuel companies melted an iceberg. Thus, they...
In an open letter, the KoalaKollektiv demands a clear change of course from the ECB regarding the climate crisis in order to comply with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. 20 NGOs as well as numerous prominent individuals support this appeal. Download in german...