News from the collective
Bundesbank: U-turn or Greenwashing?
Die FAZ postulierte unlängst eine Kehrtwende von Bundesbank-Chef Jens Weidmann bezüglich der Rolle von Zentralbanken im Kampf gegen die Klimakrise. Wird die EZB jetzt „grün“ und das KoalaKollektiv überflüssig?
“Best Climate Killer Award” 2021
KoalaKollektiv proudly presents: The Best Climate Killer Award 2021 Bubbling oil-champagne and a smoking trophy: On...
Lagarde responds – we react Greenwashing and lip service are not enough “We call on you to explain by March 11 how...
Bundesbank, don’t stand against climate action!
Even if Jens Weidmann, President of the German Bundesbank (the German National Bank), had a magic wand - by his own...
ECB: The climate crisis will not wait!
In front of the European Central Bank today, we called attention to the financing of climate polluters, like Shell and...
Open letter to the ECB – 20 NGOs demand action
In an open letter, the KoalaKollektiv demands a clear change of course from the ECB regarding the climate crisis in...
Happy 1st Birthday, KoalaKollektiv! The KoalaKollektiv celebrated its first birthday in January! We celebrated with virtual...
In discussions about the Climate Crisis, the argument is repeatedly used that the problem of overpopulation must first...
Unmissable: Our protest on the facade of the ECB!
On the eve of the Governing Council, we further increased the pressure on the bank to finally align its monetary...
Stop clearing the Dannenröder forest!
Protest in Frankfurt against a project from yesterday that destroys our tomorrow. We call on the...
Climate Greenwashing by the Federal Government?
Why the current advertising campaign is greenwashing and why we see it as a direct attack on the climate justice...
Blazing protest against the ECB’s monetary policy.
Every day, the European Central Bank (ECB) fuels the climate crisis by channelling billions to greenhouse...