In the face of the corona pandemic, the Koala Kollektiv has joined forces with a fundraising campaign to make a small contribution to the handling of the crisis in Frankfurt and worldwide.

Why Club Voltaire and medico international?
From March on, our regular climate talks would have taken place at Club Voltaire. Instead, we are forced to sit in our living rooms and the Club Voltaire has no more income. The permanent employees are paid short-time work – this means a loss of at least 40 percent of their wages, not counting the loss of tips. The student employees and those employed on a 450-euro basis receive no support from the state or the job agency. The Club Voltaire is not in a position to compensate for these wage losses.
Since 1962, the non-profit association has been a place for counter-culture, offering information and education as a prerequisite for emancipation and change. It is a space for alternative art and culture and for being together in a discrimination free space. As KoalaKollektiv, we would like to contribute to the preservation of this special place in Frankfurt and – as soon as it is possible again – to organize further climate talks at Club Voltaire.
And as a climate justice group we do not only want to look to Germany. In countries of the global South and in refugee camps on Europe’s borders, people are facing even more existential concerns. Even without corona, health care is inadequate, hygienic conditions are often difficult and social security hardly exists. medico international, together with many local partner organizations and initiatives, is working for a structural improvement of these circumstances, for which we in the global North share responsibility. “The medico partner organisations around the world now need solidarity and immediate support for comprehensive prevention measures, in the provision of protective equipment and in their political fight against poverty and ill health and for the right to a healthy and good life” (appeal for donations medico international). We would like to support medico international with our fundraising campaign and thus set a small example of global solidarity.