+++ Broad alliance of over 60 initiatives and associations calls for participation +++ Several thousand people expected +++ With speeches by Lord Mayor Mike Josef and many more +++
All over Germany, people are taking to the streets to stand up for democracy and oppose the the exclusion of their fellow citizens. In Frankfurt, too, there will be a demonstration on Saturday at 1 p.m. at the Römer under the motto “Defend democracy – Frankfurt against AfD and the shift to the right!”. The rally is being organized by the KoalaKollektiv and supported by a broad alliance of civil society, unions, NGOs and initiatives of marginalized people.
With speeches by:
- Mike Josef (Lord Mayor of the City of Frankfurt)
- Eleonore Wiedenroth Coulibaly and Hadija Haruna-Oelker
(Initiative of Black People in Germany) - Philipp Jacks (Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund and #AfDNee initiative)
- Meron Mendel (Bildungsstätte Anne Frank)
- Hibba Kauser (activist)
- Newroz Duman (Initiative 19. Februar)
- Yasmin Alignaghi (Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband)
- Eva Walter (Frankfurt solidarisch)
- Holger Kamlah (Protestant city dean, Römerbergbündnis)
And live acts from Frankfurt:
- Shantel (Disko Partizani)
- The OhOhOhs (analog techno)
Not surprising, but now official: Leading AfD members, other influential right-wing extremists and business men want millions of marginalized people to be deported from Germany, as research by the newsroom Correctivshows.
These inhumane ideas of deportations are not right-wing extremist mind games, but tangible plans by influential AfD members, members of the so-called “Werte-Union” together with Identitarians and neo-Nazis. At the same time AfD is now polling high approval ratings and is the strongest party in many federal states and in second place nationwide. In fall, its political influence could multiply in eastern Germany.
“None of this is a question of political attitude. It is a questioning of the constitutional state, the rule of law and nothing less than an attack on the basis of our coexistence, our humanistic view of mankind and our democratic values in Germany. What is needed now is an active stand against the right from the entire society. From anti-fascists to conservatives, from trade unionists to pastors, from farmers to bankers: we are all called upon to defend our democracy! A juristical ban on the AfD must be examined and its political influence must be pushed back. We will only preserve our democracy if we stand up for it across borders,” says Peter Josiger, spokesperson for the KoalaKollektiv.
The alliance calls for participation in the demo to defend democracy and diversity:
Abá e.V.
Antifa Basisgruppe
Amara – Kurdischer Frauenrat
adan netzwerk
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Natur- und Umweltbildung Bundesverband e.V.
Aufstehen gegen Rassismus
Asta Goethe Universität Frankfurt
BI Schöner Grüneburgweg
Bildungsstätte Anne Frank
Bildungsinitiative Ferhat Unvar e. V.
Bosniakisches Kultur Center e.V.
Bündnis Akzeptanz und Vielfalt/KUSS41
Cares e.V.
Caritas Verband Frankfurt
Chaos Computer Club Frankfurt e.V.
Club Voltaire
DGB Jugend
DIDF Frankfurt
DIDF Jugend Frankfurt
End Fossil
Europa Union
Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt
Fecher bleibt
Feministische Bibliothek
Frankfurt for Future
Frankfurt for Ukraine
Fridays for Future Frankfurt
Förderverein Roma e.V.
Gegen Vergessen – für Demokratie e.V.
Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Regionalgruppe Frankfurt
Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft Hessen
Grandparents for Future
Greenpeace Frankfurt
Grüne Jugend
Haus am Dom
Hamra United
Hessen gegen Rechts
Hessen steht auf
Hessischer Flüchtlingsrat
IFZ – Internationales Familienzentrum Frankfurt
Infrau e.V.
Initiative Schwarze Menschen Deutschland (ISD)
Initiative Dondorf Druckerei
Internationaler Jugendverein
Initiative 19. Februar
Initiative Gastronomie Frankfurt e.V.
Initiative 9. November e.V.
Jusos Hessen
Kita-Fachkräfte-Verband Hessen e.V.
KiJuIV Hessen n.e.V. c/o Initiative JungeStimme Deutschland
Klimaentscheid Frankfurt
Kommunale Ausländerinnen- und Ausländervertretung
Kurdische Gesellschaftszentrum Frankfurt
LAGG e. V.
LEADERSHIP RHEIN-MAIN – Netzwerk auf Augenhöhe gUG
Letzte Generation Frankfurt
Linksjugend solid
Naturfreunde Hessen
NaturFreunde Frankfurt
Makkabi Frankfurt
Melodiva – Frauen Musik Büro
Offenes Klimatreffen
Omas gegen Rechts Frankfurt
Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Hessen
People for Future Frankfurt
Perspektive Ukraine
Psychologist for Future Frankfurt
Pulse of Europe Frankfurt
Rat der Religionen
Römerberg Bündnis
Türkische Gemeinde Hessen
Scientists for Future Frankfurt
Sportjugend Hessen
Switchboard/Rainbow Refugees
Transition Town
Transfer zwischen den Kulturen e.V.
ver.di Frankfurt
ver.di Regenbogen Hessen
Verband binationaler Familien und Partnerschaften
Volt Frankfurt
VVN BdA Frankfurt
XR Frankfurt
Zentralrat der Serben Hessen
Time: Saturday, January 20 at 1 pm, Live acts from 12:30 pm
Place: Römer in Frankfurt/Main
About the KoalaKollektiv
The KoalaKollektiv is a climate justice group from Frankfurt that was founded in January 2020. Since then, it has been running various projects and campaigns for a socio-ecological change that makes a good life possible worldwide. Today and in the future.